Webinars On Demand



The webinar series are making SSLC unique. It’s one of the most successful virtual events during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.

Colleges & Universities

Webinar Audience

People Reached



Sprott Shaw Language College offers a range of entry pathways to college and university studies. Join us for an interactive webinar series to discover how you can plan for success in Canada. SSLC’s English for Post-Secondary Education (EPE) Pathway program will help you prepare for College or University studies.

In partnership with over 40 institutions in Canada, EPE enables direct entry into post-secondary programs without the need for additional language testing. In addition, graduates of EPE are better prepared and equipped for success in post-secondary study and beyond. This is because they have a strong foundation not only in English, but also in academic skills for writing, reading, presentations, and study strategies.


How to study in Canada as an international student?

Join us for an interactive webinar series to discover how you can plan for success in Canada. SSLC’s English for Post-Secondary Education (EPE) Pathway Program will help you prepare for College or University studies.

Royal Roads University Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Royal Roads University. 


Sprott Shaw College Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Sprott Shaw College.

Georgian College Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Georgian College. 



Vancouver Film School Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Vancouver Film School. 


Capilano University Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Capilano University.



Thompson Rivers University Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Thompson Rivers University Webinar.


Fraser International College Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Fraser International College.


St. Lawrence College Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to St. Lawrence College.


Centennial College Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Centennial College Webinar.


Algonquin College Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Algonquin College.



Reopening Campuses Webinar

Overview of the reopening of our schools, including campus life, safety, accommodation, programs, opportunities, and much more.



Toronto Film School Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Toronto Film School.


Laurier University Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Laurier University.


Lakehead University Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Lakehead University. 


University of Prince Edward Island Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to the University of Prince Edward Island. 



 Te compartiremos información importante sobre el programa de preparación IELTS así como del programa de Inglés con fines académicos de SSLC (EPE) el cual te ayudará a prepararte bajo el sistema de estudios universitarios Canadienses y que además te dará la oportunidad de tener un pase ¡directo!

CityU Canada Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to CityU Canada.



Vancouver Island University Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Vancouver Island University.

Continuing Studies at UVic Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Continuing Studies at UVic.

Vancouver Institute of Media Arts Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Vancouver Institute of Media Arts.


Fairleigh Dickinson University Webinar 

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Fairleigh Dickinson University.


Mount Saint Vincent University Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Mount Saint Vincent University.


ITD Canada Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to ITD Canada.


Lambton College Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Lambton College.


Niagara College Canada Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Niagara College Canada.


Seneca College Webinar

In this webinar series, we will share important information about the EPE program, curriculum, and admission. We will outline the pathway from ESL to Seneca College.

Click to join the webinar and Q&A

Watch all the live stream videos on Facebook



Meet customer service professionals from around the world, sharpen the skills you will need in the service industry, and develop the confidence, perspective, skills, knowledge and drive that will help you succeed in the hospitality industry.

VIC-CC’s TESOL gives aspiring teachers a solid foundation in modern teaching methodologies, lesson planning, classroom management as well as online teaching methods. Start your overseas adventure online with VIC-CC: Open up a world of opportunity with a certificate from VIC-CC’s Canada TESL approved online course.



Who am I as a manager and how do I achieve meaningful results? How do I effectively communicate with others in my organization? Do I know how to read the contracts I will inevitably encounter? Do I understand my accountants’ numbers? How do our products connect with our customers? What are the day’s business headlines telling me? If you want to understand the world of business, position yourself in the global market place and create exciting opportunities, then you will want to explore the Global Business Expertise Program at VIC-CC.




Communication For Airline Cabin Crew

Communication For Airline Cabin Crew Training emphasizes the specific use of the English language in the airline industry and is designed to prepare the students for future employment as a flight attendant.


Te compartiremos información importante sobre el programa de preparación IELTS así como del programa de Inglés con fines académicos de SSLC (EPE) el cual te ayudará a prepararte bajo el sistema de estudios universitarios Canadienses y que además te dará la oportunidad de tener un pase ¡directo!


Seminario Informativo con City University

Acompáñanos el próximo 18 de Agosto a las 6 pm (hora México) al seminario Informativo con City University. Conoce cómo revalidar los estudios de tu país de origen y conseguir una Licenciatura en Administración en tan solo ¡18 meses!


Seminario Informativo Para Colombia: SSLC Y CityU!

Acompáñanos este 11 de septiembre a las 2 pm (hora Colombia) a nuestro webinar interactivo con City University. Conoce cómo puedes homologar tus estudios en Colombia y graduarte de un programa profesional en 18 meses!.


Seminário Informativo Para O Brasil: SSLC E CityU!

Olá pessoal, tudo bem? Nesta quinta-feira às 18h nós vamos bater um papo com o meu colega Ezequiel Treviño, direto de Vancouver, sobre o nosso programa de Pathway para a City University de Vancouver. A forma mais rápida para conseguir uma graduação no Canadá, poder aplicar ao PGWP e conseguir trabalhar legalmente no Canadá. Aguardo vocês na quinta. Abraços!


Fic En Simon Fraser University Y De Icm En La Universidad De Manitoba

Acompáñanos el próximo 12 de Agosto a las 6 pm (hora México) al seminario Informativo con Rafael Malagrino, representante de: FIC en Simon Fraser University y de ICM en la Universidad de Manitoba.

No próximo dia 13 de Agosto, às 18h, vamos bater um papo com o Rafael Malagrino, representante da FIC – Simon Fraser University e do ICM – University of Manitoba.


SSLC 프로그램 설명 무료 웨비나에 참여하세요.

이번 웨비나에는 SSLC ESL 수업 부터 대학 진학 보장 (EPE: English for Post Secondary Education) 프로그램을 안내하고 여러 Pathway 파트너 중 한 학교인 City University 로의 진학에 대해서도 설명 드릴 예정입니다. 프로그램에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공하고 성공적인 유학 생활에 도움이 될 수 있는 시간으로 많은 참여를 부탁 드리겠습니다.



日本時間の10月1日午前10時からSSLCの姉妹校、Sprott Shaw College(SSC)の日本人スタッフTakakoがSSCのインターンシップ(Co-op/practicum)留学についてご案内! 100年以上、カナダの学生さんのキャリアアップや就職をサポートしてきたSSCだからできるキャリアアップ留学をご紹介。あなたの留学を成功に導きます!


로 시청하기: VIC-CC 한국어-영어 통번역 (IT-K) 프로그램

VIC-CC 통번역(IT-K)은 인텐시브한 트레이닝을 통해 어휘, 문법, 청취, 영작, 말하기 등 전반적인 영어실력은 물론, 각 전문분야의 지식까지 향상 시킬 수 있는 프로그램입니다. 독해, 암기에 바탕을 둔 비효율적인 교육방식에서 나온 자신의 초보적인 영어실력에 만족하지 못한 학생들에게 직독직해가 아닌 의미전달에 중점을 둔 통번역 연습, 원어민 강사와 함께하는 시뮬레이션 통역 등 다양한 수업방식을 통해 전형적인 ESL 프로그램과는 질적으로 다른 영어를 배울 수 있는 기회가 될 것입니다.

Sesión Informativa Enfocado Al Área De Inglés Y Programas De La Salud

Hablaremos sobre nuestro programa de Inglés enfocado en el Vocabulario Médico que brinda a los estudiantes una amplia gama de temas prácticos en el campo de la medicina, adecuado tanto para profesionales médicos como para aquellos interesados en seguir una carrera médica también hablaremos del Programa de preparación.

Frequently asked questions

What is a webinar?
A webinar is a free online seminar. Join webinars led by the SSLC team to learn about the pathway programs in Canada. SSLC’s English for Post-Secondary Education (EPE) Pathway Program will help you prepare for College or University studies.
How do I join a webinar?

Joining a webinar is easy! Each Crowdcast webinar is linked to a single URL. That means you’ll use the same link to register for, join, and watch replays of all the webinars.

1) Go to www.crowdcast.io/e/sslc-pathway-partners
2) Click the ‘Join the Webinar’ button to register.
3) Enter your email address or social media login.
4) Check your email for a confirmation and a link to join the webinar series.

Can I join a webinar with a mobile app?

Android: Crowdcast is supported on the latest Android devices right in the browser, no download required.

Apple iOS Devices (iPhone & iPad): Download the iOS app to attend Crowdcast events. Webinars can also be viewed directly in mobile browsers on iOS

Will the webinar be repeated? Is there any way to watch it later?

You can watch all the webinars on this page or on our Facebook page or on our YouTube channel.

Why should I join a webinar?

You’ll get a personal, expert perspective on the Canadian colleges and universities during our free webinars.

Have a question about the pathway programs? Ask away!

In this webinar series, we share important information about the pathway program, curriculum, and admission. We will also outline the pathway from ESL to EPE to College or University. Each week we will be joined by one of our pathway partners who can answer your questions and provide more information about their institutions, and help you plan for success.